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tv   The Daily Rundown  MSNBC  December 13, 2013 6:00am-7:01am PST

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progress on mental health and so many other issues. background checks and so many other issues that we think might make this place a safer country for our children. >> well said. >> if it's way too early, it's "morning joe." stick around for chuck todd. >> wheeling and dealing and reeling? the house has a rare moment of bipartisan productivity on the budget bill. speaker boehner has a rarer moment of beating back at conservative critics. we will talk about the target from heritage action. the latest on a developing story overnight. it's about an american who disappeared in iran seven years ago. we will talk to the coauthor of the story about unauthorized espionage for the cia. one year after the newtown tragedy, the fight for more gun control in washington is back to where it was before that horrific day. on the state level, there has
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been more loosening of gun laws than tightening. good morning from washington, it's friday the 13th, december 13th, 12-13-13. enjoy it. walk under the ladders and get the black cats. let me get to the first read. accused of being the least productive congress in modern history and being one of the worst congresses ever, the house of representatives did something that is surprising to a lot of people. it passed the bipartisan ryan murphy deal and did so overwhelmingly. look at the numbers. setting up what looks like a temporary truce over the last three years. it was a rebuke to threaten to hold members accountable. 62 republicans voted against it. house speaker boehner and congressman paul ryan defended the bill before the vote on the house floor. >> if you are for cutting the
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sides of government, you should support this budget. if you are for preventing tax increases, you should be voting for this budget. i urge all the colleagues to vote for the budget. >> we have been at each other's throats for a long time. i was part of the last presidential election. we tried defeating this president. i wish we would have. elections have consequences, mr. speaker. to really do what we think needs to be done, we will have to win elections. in the meantime make the government work. >> the deal goes to the senate where get this. the opposition is growing. senate republicans are vowing to filibuster the legislation and it's not clear on how you get to 60 votes. welcome to bizarre world in washington. everything we are used to in the house, polarization, pettiness and fighting is showing up in the senate as republicans lineup against the budget and having a fight over confirmation playing
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out on the floor in multiple all nighters. republicans have little incentive to respect harry reid out. there is discontempt and for tom hark in, they need to find another republican and the list of possibilities seems to be narrowing by the day. those who are normally for the bipartisan deal came out as nos. that is not surprising. the first three are the group of republicans that have been part of most of the bipan san deals. senators jeff black, toomey and richard cell bee. they are all undecided. talking to many senate republicans, they think they have to pass the bill because
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they don't want to be thes to scuttle a paul ryan deal and more importantly, they don't want to be thes owning this like the shut down. we are unsure who will be the to ten republicans who will end up being asked to vote for this to get to 60 votes and get through the filibuster. the rhetoric is ratcheting up marco rubio saying the deal threatens the american dream. p >> senator, why is this not a deal you can back. >> washington promises a future reductions in spending never seem to come true. >> senator rand paul tweeted this picture of a tsa pat-down writing in the ryan murray deal, you will have to pay more for this. as far as yesterday's house vote, it was a big for speaker boehner, getting 169 house gop votes when groups like heritage action were lobbying against
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them. this is made public what the establishment has been griping about for over a year now. they are tired of the power of these groups. if anyone thought boehner had regret on wednesday, about attacking these groups, he made sure no one misunderstand what he thinks of them. >> frankly i think they are misleading their followers. they are pushing our members in plays where they don't want to be. frankly i think that they have lot of all credibility. >> conservative groups fired back. 50 groups led by heritage action and the firing of the study committee's executive director and they did so in a letter. given this action and the earlier comments by the speaker, it is clear they came under attack on capitol hill. freedom works put out this. when it comes to credibility, it being looks like the speaker is leading the charge for spending
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increases and recruiting democratic votes in the house to help get it done. tea party patriots, speaker boehner thinks outside groups are the problem putting colleagues against constituents is not upholding conservative principals is how you lose your credibility. senate conservatives say john boehner decided to join mitch mcconnell on the war on conservatives. eric erickson is done as speaker. this is legacy building now and if he has to cry on television and attack the conservative base, go do it. this is a fight between republicans and conservatives. >> we are trying to have a fact-based disagreement with people who increase spending and
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taxes. those of us who think the sequester was imperfect and better than this deal. they want to turn it into a boring washington, d.c. process story. who is up and down. this is about whether or not the american people want taxes go up. >> some of this is is by the shut down strategy. let me play what he said. he seemed to be referring to you personally. >> if you recall, the day before the government reopened, one of the groups stood and said we never thought it would work. are you kidding me in? >> what you were quoted as saying in buzz feed after the shut down is this. everybody understands we are not going to be able to repeal this law. that's apparently what he is referring to. i can't read his mind. >> he's being absurd, if i thought we would repeal obama
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care, i would have spent time on that. >> what's the difference? >> defunding obama care was delaying the law for year and taking away the money so that the bureaucrats could get people signed up for the exchanges and america would could have a time out and have a discussion about whether or not they like it. the speaker is trying to turn this into a boring fight between outside groups and himself so that we are not having a policy debate about whether or not this is a good deal. this increases spending and taxes. that's bad for the country. that's what we want to focus on. they want to clear the way for immigration reform. he has been clear about it. the campaign committee has been clear about it. these are policy fights and disagreements and the party should be strong enough that we can have a fact-based disagreement and not have boring conversations about it. >> let me get you to react to
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what paul ryan said. they control one half of one branch of government, period. and this is about as much as they could get to. you really believe this was done through the republican -- you have democrats saying we know you want to cut government. this is what we would prefer that you focus on. we prefer you cut less. we are doing it through a republican smaller government philosophy. how is that not okay? >> it's the law of the land. during the shut down -- >> nobody won it. >> i will take 967 as the digressionary number. the president went around the month of october saying that anybody who wants to change the law of the land through budgetary tactics is especially putting a bomb on their chest. this is the law of the land and the base line. if there is a deal to negotiate that moves us more towards the
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american dream and more towards the america that we should have which is government living within their means. we should consider that deal. that's what they were promising. we will trade for meaningful entitlement spending. >> given what happened, everybody has to live in a political reality. at the moment for the republican party is the shut down. it was a disaster house strategy. look at the numbers. that's what the speaker is responding to. you are a smart guy. you see the numbers. it's one thing about what's going on inside the republican party. this is arguably hurting the party nationally. >> atted t the end of the day, would rather be the party that stopped this law and not be on the side of the party that did everything they could to make shou sure this law goes forward. there 50 or 60 republicans who
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are so committed to turning off the sequester, they were willing to work with democrats to raise taxes and that forced a deal to be struck. the american people have a right to know who they are. >> you will focus ongoing after republicans? >> we try to have a policy debate who are against this deal. i would like to spend months talking about obama care. >> that's what speaker boehner and paul ryan is saying. if you get this deal, it's a do no harm deal and everyone pauses while you have the conversation. >> i would love to come back when they push a fight over whether or not we should have amnesty. the focus needs to be on obama care. >> will you work to try to defeat john boehner as speaker some. >> i will work to make sure the american people know there is a party in this country who is responsible for the disastrous law that we should be focused on. if we are distractioning ourselves from obama care,
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interest groups don't have power. they have the ability -- >> you guys are making a lot of money. >> if you remember when the music industry was forced into file sharing, all of the establishment companies were furious and said this is terrible. you are selling directionally to customers. it's our job. >> you are the napster of politics? >> the establishment is upset that people are having conversations with voters. >> the music means we have to go. this discussion will continue. thanks for coming this morning. up next, another developing story this morning. this one overseas. robert levinson is the longest held hostage in american history. he was working for the cia. we will talk to the reporter who has been investigating the story for years and find out why the ap sat on the story for three years. a look ahead at the politics planner.
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>> now to a developing story from overnight about an american who disappeared in iran nearly seven years ago. since the day robert levinson went missing, they maintained he was a private citizen traveling on his own. the associated press reported that levinson was working for the cia on a road operation, a lawyer for his family confirms to nbc news the former agent was on a secret mission for the cia when he disappeared. the security council will not
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comment on government ties, but they urge the ap not to run the story, saying we regret that the ap would choose to run a story that does nothing to further the cause of bringing him home. this reveals serious mistakes and inside the intelligence agency in the absence of information of his whereabouts. it is impossible to judge whether or not this would put him at risk. for years, he now works for "the washington post". his name is on the line as well. good morning to you. >> thanks if are having me. >> let's walk through the story. you say you knew this for three years. he is described as a secret rogue operation. it means that nobody in congress was briefed on this operation. what can you tell us about it?
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he was investigating corruption. from what we could gather, his contract had expired and given e-mails, it was in the process of being reviewed. it was an expectation that the travel he did he would be reimbursed for that. >> he was a contractor. a cia contractor. not officially. >> it wasn't a cia officer and supposed to be providing reports based on a subject matter on expert money laundering. he was doing much more than that. this all comes at a time when they had a lot of criticism about the lack of on the ground intelligence. translation, people that have been able to infiltrate the country. this is part of a program to try to fix that.
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>> i don't think it was the cia's clandestine and they didn't realize it was going on. this is out of an analytical shop. it was dangerous what he did. what he was attempting to do. he knew there were risks involved. >> not to get cliche, but he was told we are going to deny any knowledge of you if you get caught. >> it wasn't one of the operations. he was looking to score and get operation that might have been passed on to the cia. here's the issue. he was meeting with an accused murderer. it was dangerous. he anyhow he was putting himself in harm's way. the last known whereabouts of him? does the government think he is dead or arrive? >> privately people think he is probably dead. it's not something the family wants to hear and you can understand that.
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they have to have eternal help. they want their husband and father and grandfather to come home. we understand that. as i reported for "the washington post" in my story, if there was a time to cut a deal, it was when the video came out. nobody can wrap their head around why a deal was not made. >> i want to read a statement from the family. this was from the levinson family. bob is a courageous man who dedicated himself including risking his own life. the u.s. government failed making saving this man's life a priority. >> they do. there is an important point here. once he went missing, months went by before congress knew what happened. nobody was willing to step up. >> what they were doing and nobody got to the bottom. precious months were lot of. i will tell you this. it wasn't until later that the fbi and the assistant director was in the field office. he rescued the case and tried to
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move it forward. give the government and the fbi a little due later on. >> i want to ask you about the decision. >> three years. this is sensitive time and you have the family concerned about being exposed as a cia operative and can make him more valuable and negotiate. you get all of that. three years seems extraordinary and one year seems defensive. what was the decision to sit on this for years? >> i can tell you a little bit during these past three years. it was a hard story to get at. don't assume they had all the information. it took us a long time to understand what happened to get to the bottom of this. they could tell us what happened. there periods of while we were holding a story that the government had more time. video cam and the pictures came.
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there were periods where we felt that we had to give the government a chance to flush it out. it was apparent to us that we needed to run this story. we were holing on to a secret for secret's sake. >> looking back, do you think you should have run it a year ago or two years ago or would it have made an impact? >> i won't speak for the ap. >> you don't work for them anymore. you work at "the washington post." >> i will speak for matt. we are for leaning out reports who believe secrets shouldn't remain secrets. we are skeptical when the government make an argument that you will put this in harm's way. >> one half of the reporting team on the story for the associated press. thank fist are coming out. >> thank you. >> a deep dive behind the budget. what it does and does not
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accomplish. a major shake-up in north korea. kim jung un takes out the family member who is second in command. looks like a mafia hit. how many times has the house passed the annual budget resolution with more than 332 yes votes? the first person will get the on air shout out. [ male announcer ] a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can ease arthritis symptoms.
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our commitment has never been stronger. >> looks like a bad sopranos plot line. young leader kim jung un, trying to cement his grip on power executed his second in command, his own uncle. jang viewed as a potential economic reformer was believed to be in charge of training his nephew before he took charge in north corae. inrelease, they called him
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worse than a dog in the two years since he succeeded. this is the latest example of a brutal regime. you have to read the entire statement. it looks -- it's less coherent. you are watching "the daily rundown" only on msnbc.
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>> back to more first read. there is no memorials in newtown this weekend. the media is being asked to respect the privacy as they remember the 20 children and six adults that were killed. several hundred people did gather thursday to honor the
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victims. while the tone was mostly a political, some revisit gun control. the best opportunity to get something passed may have come and gone. following the shooting in 2012, president obama traveled to new to meet with grieving families and demand congress take action. we really prepared to say we are powerless in the face of such carnage? the politic are too hard. we can't tolerate this anymore. these tragedies must end. to end them we must change. >> he seemed to have the public behind him in january 2013. a poll found that 56% of people wanted stricter gun laws. a month later the number went up to 61%. measures were introduced to ban assault weapons and limit
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ammunition clips and require universal background checks. michael bloomberg vowed to put $12 million and he did. the other side was gun rights groups led by the nra. >> president obama and mayor bloomberg are pushing gun control, but police say they are wrong. 71% said obama's gun ban will have zero effect on violent crime. listen to the police instead of listening to obama and bloomberg. >> support for stricter measures began to slip despite permanent appeals from the newtown families went nowhere. in mid-april, they brought eight measures to the floor, but with newtown families looking on, every one fell short and a bipartisan amendment and a measure favored by some 90% of americans. >> we will return home now, disappointed, but not defeated.
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we return home with a determination that change will happen. maybe not today, but it will happen. >> although the effort stalled in congress, legislative efforts picked up steam on the local level, particularly in blue states governed by democrats. these were among the states that tightened laws. nearly two dozen executive actions were designed to improve information sharing in close and legislative loopholes. as time passed and emotion receded, it lot of momentum and created a backlash in colorado. lawmakers have stepped down after facing a recall over gun control votes. according to the "new york times," state laws passed to loosen laws have outnumbered more restricted laws. look at the numbers. our "wall street journal" poll shows support for gun control is down to what it was before newtown. before you blame the gub lobby
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for all this, gun control advocates outspend groups nearly 7-1 this past year. here's all you need to know about where the conversation stands in the country today. when we asked people about two of the faces of the gun control debate in 2013, michael bloomberg and the nra's rating, it was 20 points higher than the outgoing mayor of new york city. let me bring in the gaggle for friday. the editor for the associated press and the grio. robert costa is the contribute who will be starting with "the washington post." good morning to all of you. since you necessary charge of america's news wire, the gun issue is exactly where all the conventional wisdom and people in washington said it was going to be at the time when emotions were running high and here we are a year later and basically the gun debate is at the same
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stand still it has been at for two decades. >> the point you made, the easy answer is it's the nra is there is powerful lobbying and lawmakers don't want to work them. it's much more complicated than that. what's missing from the conversation is the reason why people are so pro gun rights right now. the libertarian stream that is going through the country. when you look at that, there is a feeling that government is too big and too much in my life. too much involved in my decisions. that's the thread. the libertarian. >> to give the other missing piece here, the mental health discussion. when this is framed around mental health, you can find bipartisan agreement.
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i know that sounds harsh to say, but politically they can't seem to have mental health and it seemed as if that's where the momentum was lot of. >> exactly. that never happened and turned into a gun control where you had bloomberg versus the nra. you look at the numbers and you have two americans with gun control. two americas and with voting rights where it's easier than others. >> america is on medicaid. we go on and on. you look at northeast gun control, more gun control all the time. more partisan than most. >> what is striking, robert and some will say it's not fair to compare michael bloomberg and the nra. that is the point. as much as it is deemed a boogie man by gun control side of the
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argument and even by democrats, there is sort of -- it remains more popular than any other institution in washington. there is a contingent that remains and you look at what happened a year ago, there was not a coalition and the same thing publicly. a real problem for gun control is that boehner can only take a few risks. if he takes a risk on immigration. >> that was the argument before. when there was the pleading with the house to bring up the vote because there would be a majority and you go there is only a certain amount of risk that boehner would take. this is religion to some parts. >> it's much, much deeper than simply the right to own a gun.
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it is tradition and families. immigration is something that i agree with. he probably will take that risk. it's a much larger issue. they are not nearly -- i don't believe as that. >> it becomes about the heart and not the head. you cannot get consensus in washington. >> or the rest. it's most important. more than in washington, what happened in colorado were three legislators in the state we thought was becoming blue. that will make any legislator like ohio and florida and outside of a very democratic state, people will be nervous about that. >> i will go back to the state law. it is amazing that one year later after we had this and in the states.
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a lot of attention was given. gun laws were louisit. >> you are right. you are seeing reluctance to go after the second amendment. even background checks. if you are a republican, you have a primary and the general election, the purple, blue, and red states. >> it is. the question that becomes, when is it about mental health? when do they move in that direction? every one of these, lock at what happened in between newtown when it happened and the one-year anniversary right here in the washington navy yard. everything is back to mental health. >> michael blom berg and the newtown parent, what they say is this is the start of a movement.
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they recognize it will be a long process to get people focused. i think they could have power if they were all on the same page when it came to mental health. each of the three groups seemed to be emphasizing this. if they got and say this is the way to make progress, effectually the conversation will turn. >> that seems to be. that will be interesting to see does bloomberg decide i will spend my 2014 and 2015, i am not about michael bloomberg, the brand. i will make this the last thing i do. >> i don't know if he is the right leader. think about that. a democrat in arkansas is like please don't send him here. he was attacking him. the more money you come into it,
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the more money in the pack. >> with the problems about what happened with the democrats, you can't have somebody from the upper east side of new york. they can't articulate it and make the case for control. one thing about mental health, they have more open nih funding. >> it is. there particular republican who is have suburban populations. the gun control message is northern virginia was effective. >> election 2013. >> there is some evidence there and what bloomberg will fight back on. yes, we made it effective. suburban areas can be effective and the suburban republicans have done the same way. thank you all. there is a wide open space in the 2016 race on the republican side for evangelical candidate. mike huckabee has seen it and it's coming up in my take away.
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is he really about the fact that there is an evangelical opening here. on "meet the press," it's congressman paul ryan and senator patty murray together. first the white house soup of the day on friday. seafood gumbo. we'll be right back. ♪ this holiday season, our priority is you ♪
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>> doing a deep dive into what the budget does and does not accomplish. we pointed out a do no harm deal. it more or less moves the fiscal furniture around of putting off a risk of battle of funning for at least two years. that's not all it does. it cuts $85 billion to a mix of spending reductions and new revenues over years. a little bit back loaded. they raise tax by a total of $62 billion. if you subtract the spending,
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you are left with $23 billion from now until 2023. compare that number to the estimate for total deficits over the next years. that number is $6.3 trillion. if the debt reduction in this deal seems like a drop in the bucket, it is. ryan and murray managed to shave just 4/1,000th of 1% off the budget. it likely avoids battles, it doesn't do anything about the threat of another fight over the debt limit, hint, hint. it kicks back potentially with a limit of around $17 trillion. at that point the treasury will immediately have to begin using the so-called extraordinary measures to allow the government room to keep borrowing. maybe they are able to do that again and delay until may or june, but they could be facing a
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debt limit fight all over again. he is with the communications. robert is the executive director on the watch dog group. thank you both. this was not a deficit reduction. >> no. >> they are pretending it was. >> it's not the grand bargain and never going to be. this was to help congress and not the economy or the budget. this was to make it less likely for another shut down to occur. >> when you look at the budget, do you see it as a loss for fiscal reform advocates by delaying essentially any talk of doing anything for two years or is it a catastrophe. >> depends where you go from here. it is a good first step. a step to where? where are you going? if i thought that the congressional leadership and the white house were planning a next
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step along the road to a grand bargain, i would feel better about the deal. it has something of the feel of an end rather than a beginning. they decided they are not going to fight about other things. >> we will sit here and decry and people will criticize me and decry the polarization and shutting down the government. on the other hand, you don't get any action unless there is a crisis. >> these days, that's probably right. the better question is do we need action right now or the short-term? >> what say you? >> the answer is no. the deficit is falling. >> the deficit and not the deck. there is a confusion. the debt keeps growing. >> you are borrowing more, but the debt is the key number. as long as it is growing slower, we are doing okay and it will continue to fall.
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in the current situation where every other element of gdp is not contributing positively, they shouldn't be withdrawing more quickly. we are in good shape. the realtime we will need a deficit reduction deal or effort is 2018, 19, and 20. i don't think it will happen before. >> that was your prediction and they got halfway there. you said we were not going to have this next big conversation until 2018. is he right about this? >> that could well be. the reason to do something as soon as possible as we have these under lying structural factors as they were pushing up because of the aiming population. the biggest thing. >> the grand bargain was never know or shouldn't have been seen as immediate deficit reduction, but is fiscal sustainability plans. the sooner the better. >> how much less painful it would be. if you stop now, it's less
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painful. >> a lot of people department g -- department get that. the organizing strategy is if we agreed not do something done a they succeeded. >> stan, it is interesting here what the cbo said about the future. to put the federal government on a sustainable path to the long term, lawmakers would have to make significant changes to tax and spending policies, letting revenues rise, reducing spending for large benefit programs below the projected levels or adopting some combination of those approaches. when is the politics ever going to be there for that, though? let's be realistic. >> there are a couple of possibilities. first of all, in the current environment that is the next couple of years, no way. >> yeah. >> remember the last tax reform plan in '85 was revenue neutral. this one cbo is saying it's going to have to be revenue positive. that's years away. >> we're a long way away. 2018, ready to fight for that? >> that's not exactly a rallying
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cry. >> here we come, before those midterms for the next president. the big grand bargain. >> i'll we'll have to do it incrementally. >> will there be a debt ceiling fight, stan? >> oh, absolutely. >> it's not a new era of good feelings. >> yeah, there are plenty of crises to come. >> stan, bob, oh, remember don't make bob mad. trivia time. 1998 is the only time in the last 30 years that the house passed an annual budget resolution with more than 332 yes votes. how about that? congratulations to today's winner. send your suggestions to we'll be right back. over the taste of starbucks house blend? not that we like tooting our own horn but... ♪ toot toot. [ male announcer ] find gevalia in the coffee aisle or at see who does good work and compare costs.
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various republicans start to test the presidential waters. there's been one noticeable absence from the field, the forgotten leg of the republican stool. evangelical christians. and now former arkansas governor and former presidential candidate mark huckabee is hoping to join the field in 2016. his entrance would make him the leading candidate against christian conservatives. a faction other hopefuls have had a hard time appealing to. while the christian right is not advantageous to republicans on social issues in general elections and could pose a problem in those general elections, don't underestimate mike huckabeea be in these primaries. in the 2008 primaries, despite being mocked and ignored at times. huckabee won the caucuses with the help of the evangelical vote. white evangelicals accounted for 56% of the caucus goers and remember rick santorum officially won that caucus in 2012 largy on talking issues.
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in the 2008 south carolina primary, huckabee came in second. a majority of voters, 64% of them in that republican primary, described themselves as white evangelicals. then there's the ultimate swing state, florida. in the primary, white evangelicals accounted for 40%. with the republican party facing record low approval ratings, the party's problems will likely keep some voters from showing up but evangelical christians could rally around a candidate like huckabee given the opportunity for another upset in 2016. some people may question his motives in here himself, but huckabee is somebody if he starts talking about specific issues, when it comes to marriage, when it comes to gay rights, when it comes to abortion, there is going to be a constituency so don't write him off and be very careful and keep following this aspect of the 2016 presidential race. that's it for this edition of "the daily rundown." coming up next, chris jansing.
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7:00 am
clearer skin is possible. are you kidding me? >> well, john boehner's new strategy seems to be working. call out conservative groups. put the tea party aside and get overwhelming support from members. move over, chris christie, mike huckabee be is thinking 2016 is his time claiming his own internal poll shows he's leading the pack in iowa and south carolina. and here's the first line of an article that will get your attention. get a wife. a look at work life balance in the u.s., the only industrialized nation in the world not to give mothers paid maternity leave. could a new bill finally bring some justice? plus one year after the tragedy in newtown, have americans forgotten about gun control? a new nbc